Thursday, October 28, 2010

Save The Date!!! Shift Happens!!

Small business owners and Tacomans alike should mark your calendars for January 31st!! The salon is all a buzz with talk of Go Local happenings and how could we not be with "Shift Happening" coming soon after the beginning of next year?!? I know it's kind of early to be thinking about 2011 because we haven't even made it past Halloween, Turkey Day, Black Friday or any of our Winter celebrations but it's creeping up on us whether we like it or not!!

Shift Happens is an event designed to celebrate local independent businesses and bring awareness of local business' roll in sustainability in our community. The day will unfold with a set of speakers on sustainability in business called "Be Green South Sound" peeling back to a Pecha Kucha segment about WASTE then peeling further into Go Local's Biz Fair and Key Note Speaker Event. Go Local will be partnering with City of Tacoma Office of Sustainability, Business Examiner, Tacoma ACTS & Pecha Kucha.

Exciting announcements will happen on that day so be sure to keep your eye out for more information!!

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