Trish, on one of her many journeys around this greater Northwest area happened upon a new technique while teaching a class in Bellingham. On of the young ladies she was holding a class for displayed a unique way of successfully melding with a better result than techniques used in the past. More excited that ever to bring her what she learned back to the girls at the salon, we set aside some time yesterday to all learn this new and interesting pathway to a beautiful end result.
Step 2: Pick the colors we need to get the job done and find decided which route for application would be the best to get where we're going.
Step 3: Prep the hair by backcombing the heck out of all of it. We know it looks weird BUT when you see what this accomplishes there will be now questions concerning this madness you see to the left!!
Step 4: Apply the different colors according to where the color will fall once combed out and dried.
Step 5: Rinse, comb out, blowdry and stand back in awe!!!!
This new technique of melding is a great way to create dimension and the "grown out" look that a lot of people are looking for. It's an instant way to create the look that normally would take months of grow out to accomplish. The back combing craziness guarantees a diffused and beautiful transition that is hard to accomplish by simply painting the color on and hoping for the best.
We are all excited to recreate this look using different colors and different patterns of application. Another education down allowing your Daymakers to have more trick to pull out of their repertoire!!
Thanks a bunch to Roxi for being such a fantastic model!!
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