Wednesday, October 27, 2010

THE Queen of Wedding Cakes: Sylvia Weinstock

Sylvia Weinstock is THE Queen of Wedding Cakes! She has been baking and decorating cakes for over 25 years. She was first a school teacher who took her hobby of baking cakes to the next level and now she is a famous, multi-millionaire who is known as the ”Leonardo da Vinci” of custom cakes.

Here are some interesting and fun facts about The Queen of Cakes:

  • She didn’t know how to bake until her neighbor taught her how
  • Her parents were immigrants from Russia
  • Before baking cakes she made $60 a week as a school teacher
  • Breast cancer survivor of over 30 years
  • She lives above her bakery in NYC
  • She lives in the same building as Mariah Carey
  • She has baked more than 30,000 wedding cakes
  • Her cakes are flown all over the world . . . Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico to name a few
  • Her one wish was to make a cake for Princess Diana, but the Princess died before she could fulfill that dream
  • She takes pulbic transportation and uses her Senior Citizen Discount! (Love it!)

Check out this video with Sylvia talking about the process of making her famous cakes! Your mouth will be watering by the time it is over!

Still want to see more? Go to your local book store and pick up one of her books, Sylvia Weinstock’s Sensational Cakes and Sweet Celebrations: The Art of Decorating Beautiful Cakes! With the holidays right around the corner, one of these books would make a great gift for a bride to be, or anyone who loves eating or looking at beautiful cakes!

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