Thursday, October 14, 2010

4 Years and Still Going Strong!!

The beginning of this month marked the 4 year mark of Embellish's journey in this building. We've Embellish-ed quite a few heads in this space and can't wait to Embellish that many more. We've been blessed with the greatest clientele in Tacoma and we are always more than happy to make your day, whether it be color, cut or just a quick eyebrow wax!!

Despite the signature purple that makes our building so unique, there have been many changes. With the  graffiti change on the outside, change in faces on the inside ant the addition of two fantastic business below us we have seen time do what it does best. The most gratifying is the fact that no matter how stormy the weather, this purple building will stand tall throughout and so will the continual energy of love growth and happiness!!

We haven't quite decided how to celebrate since we just got back from a fabulous trip and our style night was party enough for some time but I'm sure we'll find some way to make this month a special one for us and you alike!! Thank you for 4 fantastic years in this beautiful purple KICK ASS building!!!

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