Friday, August 27, 2010

Tacoma's Gone Coutry!!

If you've passed by what used to be Cans down on 9th and Pacific, you may have noticed a slight change in attitude. The jeans are tighter, the hats are bigger and by George they're are cowboy boots trekking the streets of Downtown Tacoma's growing nightlife district. With the Matador, Surreal Ultra Lounge, The Office, Paddy Coynes and Meconi's as loving neighbors, Big Whiskey sure makes its presence known by attracting Tacoma's own Country music lovin', whiskey drinkin' crowd. Now, don't feel like you have to run out and buy yourself a pair of Wranglers to fit it. This place has a very inviting and comfortable atmosphere that makes you feel like "everybody knows your name". Sometimes all you need is a relaxed atmosphere with a good comfortable feel to take your mind off the work week and forget the woes of the day and despite the looming stare of the moose head on the wall, you're guaranteed to have a good time with great fun loving people.

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