Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh Tacoma, Where Art Thou

The count down has begun and we know you've marked your calendar for this month's Art Walk. Now all you have to do is add to that the 8:30pm showing of "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou" in Tollefson Plaza. Go Local, Click Cable and all sorts of other Tacoma types have put there heads together to bring us an outdoor movie. Word on the streets is that there will be popcorn and goodies of all kinds so make sure you make it down to Tollefson Plaza on the 19th!! It's bound to be a great time!!


Keep in mind that we're donating 10% of your service to NLF's Fab5 (see previous post: Embellish and the Fab5) so let us know when you book your appointments that you'd like to donate to this very worth cause!!

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