Friday, June 25, 2010

Pecha Kucha at Shakabrah.... How Fun Is That to Say?!? Oh yeah... and We Still Have MVPS Available!!

Congratulations to Trish on a fantastic Pecha Kucha presentation. A day in the life of this woman is truly unmatchable!! She wears many hats which most likely coordinate with a multitude of outfits and a variety of shoe choices.

After the bulk of our staff enjoyed the Pecha Kucha experience and made sure to cheer embarrassingly loud, we made our way over to Asado for a dinner filled with good eats and good laughs. It's been some time since we've had a chance to get together outside of the walls of the big purple building and though some of us were missing, it was a much needed night of relaxation and work fam togetherness.

Thanks to Shakabra for hosting this round of Pecha Kucha and thanks to Asado for providing us with tasty treats for our impromptu night of fun!!

Don't forget!!!

You have until next Wednesday to purchase your MVP Membership:

Men's Haircut MVP Membership- $399
Color Maitnenance MVP Membership- $499
Waxing Lip or Brow MVP Membership- $125

Take advantage of these savings while there's still time!! Give us a call for more details (253) 752-8144

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