Friday, June 11, 2010

Dude Day for Dudes and MVPs for Everyone!!

In years past we have offered a variety of different VIP membership but the most prominent of them has been the Men's MVP Haircut package. With the economy doing what it's doing and in the spirit of acknowledgment we would like to reintroduce 3 oldies but goodies to help make service and product more affordable for those feeling the affects of these times. Here are the packages we are offering. We'll be introducing the Men's MVP at Dude Day next Tuesday and will be selling all packages through the end of the month of June. Call the salon for details!!

Men's Haircut MVP Membership- $399
Color Maitnenance MVP Membership- $499
Waxing Lip or Brow MVP Membership- $125

Dude Day
Come one!!! Come all!!! Well... If you're a dude anyway ;)

June 15th is "Dude Day" at Embellish and it's all about you GUYS and dudes of all ages even!!!

$20 haircuts (free if you bring a friend) scalp massages, hot dogs, beer (21+) etc. Call (253) 752-8144 for an appointment!!

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