Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We Now Do Ears and Noses... Well Kinda...

About a month ago, long time client Kate Pascal approached us with the idea of making a tiny section of our salon a place where she could practice the art of body pierceing. After our team mulled over it for a bit we decided to give this new venture a try. So far, Kate has disproved our worries of having "ouch" and "OMG!!" coming from her corner and she's sparked the interest of some of our clients and friends of hers to get the piercing they want without having to go to a place they may not necessarily feel comfortable. Tattoo shops and piercing stands in the mall don't appeal to all that want a cute nose stud or a second hole in their ear. With an offering of above the collar piercings and a smile like an angel, who wouldn't want to get a peircing done by this fantastic lady?!? Trish and Eleanor have!! So has an entire group of girls and ladies alike that were in this weekend for a peircing party!! Contact us for more info if you're interested.

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