Friday, May 7, 2010

Lending a Helping Hand

As you all know, we are closely tied to our community. We have made it a priority and a part of our culture to stay involved and sometimes that means lending a helping hand when a member of our community needs our help.

Over the years we have had many opportunities to donate our time to many different causes and needs in our town. This month we have a few causes that are dear to us, our friends and our community and we would like to extend an invitation to you to help as well. How can you help you ask? Here's how!!

As you may know there was a tragic death recently in Edgewood. Jim Sanders was taken from us in a tragic Craigslist scam that has made national news. He was the close friend of Michael and Sonia Jewell of Jewell Day Spa and they have asked those of us in the community who can to not only keep Jim's family in our thoughts and prayers but to help our any way we can. Many have risen to the occasion and have given of themselves and we as Daymakers are donating the 10% of our proceeds from May 11th to the 15th to help his family. This 10% will be donated to the Jim Sanders Fund. Those of you who can help out the Sanders family can do so by simply by coming in for a service or by taking a moment and heading down to your nearest Bank of America and donating there.


In the beginning of January Liz Whitacre, the sister of a dear client of ours and a recent client herself, had a cancerous brain tumor removed from the left lobe of her brain. She is currently undergoing chemo therapy. Liz does not have medical insurance and during her treatment is no able to work. A fund has been established to help with the medical bills. We are donating 10% of the proceeds May 18th to the 22nd to help Liz out with some of her expenses. Again, you can help by coming in during that week for any service.

We definitely appreciate your help and support. Thank you for being the fantastic clients you and we look forward to making your day!!

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