Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's Soooooo Surreal!!!

If you haven't heard yet, two of our Embellish team members are also a part of the Surreal Ultra Lounge Team. After making people's days, Susan and Melanie gallivant off to Surreal to make days in other ways. With the flash of a smile and a wink if you're lucky, Susan can pour you mean Surreal signature drink or a creative martini and Melanie will serve you with that same sparkling smile that you've seen her flash while behind the front desk at Embellish.With Tacoma's growing interest in the lounge you're sure to hear that it's something that Tacoma's never seen before. With multiple VIP areas and a customer service focused bar staff, good times will be had no matter what day of the week you decide to drop in.

As of now, Surreal has been focused on building up their weekends and will soon have promotional nights during the week. They've brought in the likes of DJ Teddy who is now hosting Surreal's "Epic Friday", Pure Productions who will be rockin' out "Truth Thursdays" and local and out of town guest DJs to spice up their line up. After only being open for 2 weeks, Tacoma has been all-a-buzz with compliments on their impeccable service, a fun but relaxing atmosphere and a unique menu of sliders and appetizers that's bound the send your taste buds soaring!!

Stay tuned for inevitable future cross promotion between Embellish and Surreal!!

Surreal Ultra Lounge
728 Pacific Ave
Tacoma WA 98402

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