Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Recyling at Its Finest and Most Elegant

re-Furniture....Furniture that is elegant, hand built, functional, beautiful and made from recycled and reclaimed wood. Literally, this is one of the most beautiful ways one can witness art made from recycled and re-purposed. materials. Steve Lawler is a local artistic genious. He's takes a material that most would cover up in some fashion and creates sustainable, functional and earth friendly works of art. It took every fiber of Trish and Susan not to pounce on purchasing some the art that he showed at Pecha Kucha last week. What an amazing way to turn "one man's trash" into "another man's treasure". Check out Steve's Website and see more of his work and try your best not to fall in love with it like a few or us Embellish gals have!!

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