Friday, April 23, 2010

April Showers Bring April Frizz!!

It's that time of year when your hair, no matter what you seem to do or how hard you work at it, won't keep it's same silky smooth look. This is largely due to the giant amounts of moisture we have in our fantastic Washington air but also due to what we love to refer to as liquid rain. Oh how we LOVE the rain!! If you want help keep the frizz at bay, here are 3 key things you can do to keep that fuzzy monster from rearing it's ugly head. 1. Moisturize 2. Moisturize some more and 3. Moisturize one last time for good measure!!

You may have heard your favorite Daymaker compare your hair to a sponge and here's the theory behind that: If you throw a dry sponge into the sink it fills up with water and sinks to the bottom of the basin. On the other hand, if you wet a sponge and throw it into the sink it floats on the top even if you squeeze all the water out. What we're trying to accomplish when it comes to hair is filling the hair with moisture so it floats. When a sponge or the hair is full of moisture, it has no need to fill itself up with whatever moisture it can find. In hair's case the moisture it's most likely to find is in the air.

How do you moisturize your hair so that you don't end up looking like a crazed animal? Your 3 best bets are a good moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and a styling product designed specifically to moisturize the hair. Taking these steps and flooding the hair with moisture is your hairs best defense against humidity and moisture in the air. In order to aid you in your moisturizing needs we're offering you a fantastic deal in each line that Embellish carries.

Purchase Momo Shampoo and Momo Conditioner at regular price and add on your choice of either Momo Fluid or Momo Curl Serum for $5.

Kevin Murphy
Pick up Hydrate Me Shampoo and Hydrate Me Conditioner at regular price and add Body Guard to your purchase for $5.

Dry Hair Shampoo and Dry Hair Conditioner are a great combo to fight frizz. Make your purchase complete with Straight Out Gel for only $5.

Be sure to ask your favorite Daymaker which one will work best for the look you're trying to accomplish and we'll be sure to discuss the best route for you to take.

This offer is only good through the end of the month of April so take the time to stop on by and take care of your hair's moisture needs!!


Oh!!! By the way.....

We're kicking Young Blood OUT!! We're making room for some new and exciting things to come so we're also liquidating some of our skincare and other misc. overstock and what better way to get it out the door than to make it fun!! So here's the plan. We've wrapped up various Dermologica skin care, some Young Blood Makeup and the other misc. product and wrapped them up in gift wrap for a grab bag give away. What this means for you is that for just $10 you can pick any one wrapped gift of your choice!! Some of the product offered is worth up to $35!! Yow!! Don't miss our on this opportunity cause these grab bag items will go fast!!

(These offers may not be combined with any other offer or promotion)

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