Saturday, March 20, 2010

We're Doing Our Part By Supporting a Direct Effort

There are amazing people who are doing wonderful things to help those in need.  We at Embellish were touched by the story of one man, Greg Bennick, who is going above and beyond to help those who are in need in Haiti. He has 10,000 lbs of rice in a warehouse in Little Rock that needs to be shipped to Miami in order to get to Haiti. UPS is ready to ship it. The Liberty Schooner has agreed to bring it to Haiti. He also has ground support set up in Haiti to distribute it. He has stated that if each one of his friends on Facebook donated $2 that he would have enough to ship his goods to the people of Haiti. Check out his blog for more info about his story, how he was inspired and what he is doing to make sure to ease the suffering of those who were struck by and are still dealing with the aftermath of such a tragic event.

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