Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Terry Dean is On the Scene

A few summers ago, a gentleman walked into Embellish and politely asked if we were opposed to him sitting outside of our entry way and playing his guitar. Though the receptionist at the time was new she replied simply with, "Sure.... Why not?" and he proceeded to do so, serenading the remaining clients of the day. As the sun set for the day, he reentered the salon with a very tall friend who politely asked, "Would you guys mind if I sang you a song?". With no objection by clients and Daymakers alike, the very tall gentleman began to pluck away at his guitar leaving the salon and all of its inhabitants speechless and in awe. These were two very talented men of which were invited to come back and play for us any time they wanted to.

It's been a while since these gentlemen, one of which you may know as Terry Dean Rickert, last graced our presence but we're excited to hear that they will be tearin' up the Tacoma scene and jammin' at Jazzbones on the 28th of this month. Who knows... maybe we'll be able to get the guys to sing a song just for the Embellish crew.

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