Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Few Tips When Making the Guest List

For those of us who have already walked down the aisle, we have been there when it comes to making the guest list. Trying to make sure no one is forgotten, comparing lists with parents and groom, gathering addresses, creating a guest list is quite a task and can get stressful! So here are a few tips that should be helpful as you make your guest list:

  • Know your budget! This will dictate just how many guest you should invite.
  • Split the list 50/50. It usually works best for the bride and groom to each make up half of the guest list, unless one person has a much great number of family or friends.
  • Once you have sent out the invitations, if you begin to receive regrets early, then do a second mailing of invitations. Just be sure that you are still allowing guests enough time to respond.
  • Make sure the venue or location you are having your wedding/reception holds the number of guests you are planning to invite. This is also a good way to determine how many guests to invite. If the church only holds 100, but you have 150 on your list, then you have some thinking to do. Different venue or cutting your guest list?
  • If you haven’t spoken to someone in years, chances are they will not expect to be a guest at your wedding.
  • Dealing with family can get complicated, second cousins, third cousins . . . . as I just mentioned before, if you have not spoken to them in years, don’t feel obligated to invite them. Only invite the family members that are closest to you.
  • Do I really have to say this one . . . . no exes, period!
  • If you are really concerned about your budget, then it’s simple . . . . having fewer guests will extend your budget.
  • Since parents are usually involved and foot the bill for the wedding, it is a good idea to consult with them on the guest list.
  • Most importantly, invite people that you cannot imagine not sharing your special day with! Invite people that will share the joy of your big day!
By: Lindsey Conrad Nabors

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