Thursday, July 1, 2010

Continueing Efforts to Green Up Our Act!!

If you've made a trip down to get your Embellish on in the last month, you may have noticed a change. We've shifted the front desk area around, moved our retail shelves to be more convenient for your shopping pleasure and we've added a new feature in the nook across from Well Being Space. We've had rave responses from those who have flowed through the changes with us and all have felt like this is the best feng shui- like shift we've made over the years. The receptionist space feels more inviting, the shopping space is more relevant to those in the mood to partake and the flow of energy from beginning to end has shifted to create a direction of ease and comfort for Daymakers and the Embellished alike.


If you take a quick look around the salon, we're continuing our efforts to be as green a salon as we possibly can. We're continually coming up with ideas on how to leave less of a carbon footprint and would like to eventually become a "Zero Impact" salon. With each step, we are proud to say that we are that much closer to reaching our goal. Quite a few of our clients have helped us out by purchasing the Davines canvas bags and have taken advantage of 15% off their future product purchases. We've also heard MANY compliments on on the fact that we've decided to toss the idea of offering bottled waters and are now offering fresh, ice cold glasses of cucumber lemon water. It's tasty, requires no plastic waste and makes for a refreshing addition to your Embellish-ment.

We'd like to thank Melanie for her ideas, efforts and encouragement. She's the main source of ideas and man power behind our green efforts and has taken the time to research, create the methods and find out just how green we can. Thanks Mel and thanks to all that are supporting us in moving toward being a "Zero Impact" space.

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